“Staff observe children as they play. They use what they know about the children to plan interesting and stimulating activities that are rooted in their interests.”


At Moat Barn we aim to build a partnership with parents aiding us to work together to create a positive impact on your children’s development and learning, This is the basis for the key person system which is in place within all rooms, each child will have a main carer who will build a bond with your children and a rapport with you as parents.
Children will have their own individual record system and evidence of their individual learning will be displayed within this through photographs and observations, which is made available to parents and can be shared at any time.

The Early Years Foundation Stage


The Early Years Foundation Stage refers to the time from birth to the end of the reception year. A child’s experience in the early years has a major impact on their future life chances. A secure, safe and happy childhood is important in its own right and it provides the foundation for children to make the most of their abilities and talents as they grow up. When parents choose to use Early Years services they want to know that a provision will keep their children safe and help them to thrive.

The Early Years Foundation Stage is the framework that provides that assurance. The curriculum is summarised into six general areas, which are described below. We will send out a newsletter to you at the beginning of each term, this will include the adult initiated activities of the topics and themes we will cover with the main resources given.

Personal and Social Emotional Development


This is about a child having confidence and respect, showing a range of feelings such as wonder and joy, responding to cultural and religious events, having good relationships with, and sensitivity to, others of all backgrounds, being aware of right and wrong, treating living things, property and their environment with care and concern. The Children are introduced to making choices for themselves as well as encouraging independence, such as personal hygiene, dressing, meal times and play activities.

Communication, Language and Literacy


Developing vocabulary to express thoughts and explore meaning. Interacting with others, negotiating plans and activities and taking turns in conversation. Listening with enjoyment and attentiveness; speaking clearly and confidently and using language to imagine and re-create roles. Learning that sounds are related to letters and be introduced to Phonics, using a pencil effectively to form recognisable letters and that writing is used for different purposes. Children are encouraged to develop their communication skills through listening skills, non-verbal communications including body language, facial expressions and eye contact. These skills are developed as children express their needs and feelings, interact with others and establish their own identities and personalities.



Counting, recognising numbers, beginning to use the vocabulary needed to add and subtract. Using language to describe things like more or less, bigger or smaller, heavier or lighter. Describing shapes and sizes of solids and flat shapes. Looking at simple patterns. Everyday activities will include mathematical development and children will be given opportunities to extend their knowledge.

Understanding the World


Looking at why things happen and how things work. What are the features of living things, objects and events they observe. Investigating objects, building, using materials and tools, the uses of technology in everyday life and using computers to support learning. Finding out about the past and observing the world they live in.

Expressive Arts and Design


This concerns exploration of colour, texture, shape, space and form in 2 and 3 dimensions using many different materials. Exploring sounds, sound patterns and matching movements to music. Showing an increasing ability to listen, observe and use imagination through art, music, dance, stories and imaginative play. Being creative allows a child to make connections between one area of learning and another and so extend their understanding. It develops curiosity and involves exploration and experimentation.

Physical Development


We encourage children to develop skills of moving confidently and with increasing control, co-ordination and awareness of space and of others, balancing and climbing. Handling tools, objects, construction and malleable materials safely and with increasing control. Children then gain in their confidence; it enables them to feel positive benefits of being healthy and active. Children develop small muscular movements by cutting, writing, painting and sticking, jigsaws, music and movement, parachute games and role-play.

Over Five Holiday Club


Children have the opportunities for the free flow inside outside play. They will have access to a computer, books, art materials, puzzles, construction and age appropriate games. As well as having planned art and craft activities available throughout the day. Depending on staff-to-child ratio’s we will often take children on nature walks.

CUSP – Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership

Our Early Years Curriculum is designed to meet the unique needs of every child, regardless of their ability or stage of development. It offers flexibility, allowing us to tailor learning experiences to the needs and interests of each child. Our curriculum is based on the CUSP (Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership) framework, ensuring a well-sequenced, cumulative, and language-rich approach.

The CUSP Early Foundations curriculum is structured around three key components:

  1. Foundational Knowledge: This focuses on what children should know and be able to do throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) in granular detail.
  2. Opportunities and Experiences: We provide play-based and guided learning opportunities that encourage children to explore, experiment, and engage with new concepts. These experiences are designed to deepen their understanding and foster critical thinking.
  3. Structured Story Time: Core texts are used to introduce weekly key vocab (along with Makaton signs), ideas, and themes that support the development of foundational knowledge.

The Early Years Foundation Stage framework is reflected in our practice within an environment that ensures children experience a variety of rich play experiences which are carefully planned. We encourage children to reach their full potential whilst allowing them to develop at their own pace, while also closely monitoring each child’s development.