The Oaks Room 3 – 5yrs

The Oaks room provides two large free flow rooms where your child can access play equipment which is divided into the six areas of learning to follow the Early Years Foundation Stage. This acts to provide a stimulating environment allowing free flow access to activities and equipment around their interests whilst encouraging learning through play.

The Early Years Foundation Stage is followed so as to allow children’s interests to not only be planned for but also to be extended as children show interest in differing areas. We encourage children to become independent active learners in a loving, safe and nurturing environment through the use of stimulating activities.

Children will have access to music, dance, cooking, stories, messy play, construction, imagination and many other toys and activities to explore on a daily basis.

A rolling snack will be provided once in the morning and once in the afternoon which encourages the children to cut up their own snack and pour their own drinks therefore encouraging independence, physical ,language and social skills ready for school. We have a water table which is accessible throughout the day.All lunches are prepared on the premises utilising our freshly grown vegetables and local suppliers to provide a nutritious freshly prepared meal for your children. For children that attend a whole day a nutritious tea will be provided at 5.00pm.

The nursery follows a free flow indoor and outdoor environment, which helps to offer children freedom to explore, use their senses and be physically active and exuberant.

Outside Moat Barn Nursery School offers a large decked area for bikes, trikes, tractors and other ride on equipment to promote gross motor skills. There is also a large grassed outside area with climbing equipment and free space for children to exercise and enjoy the learning environment around them. We aim to provide a stimulating environment with a good balance of imaginative and interesting activities. We prioritise personal and social development and the building of self-esteem. Language and literacy is emphasised, mathematical concepts such as quantity and scale, simple addition and subtraction and number recognition are covered thoroughly. Children are also encouraged to use their creativity; as this is something that we strongly feel is a crucial area in terms of providing a suitable learning environment.

Click and drag in the view above to explore our Oaks Room